Wind I

A blur of speed and sorcery, she moves like a summer squall as if on the run from the very illness that chases her on towards fate.

Innate Stats

Aero 1 1 20 100 1 100 2

Stat Comparison

25 1 8 16 1 16
250 1 72* 152 1 152

*At SL250, the Dragonslayer skill makes her effective STR 202 while attacking.


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Wind I n/a Mag. Attack Aero
70 100% SP4 20% chance to inflict stun.
(Target cannot act that turn)
First Aid n/a Recovery Neutral

CT3 Heals a percentage of HP equal to half the user’s current SP.
Kitchen Sink 60 Phys. Attack Fighting
60 100% CT6 100% chance to inflict stun.
(Target cannot act that turn)
Shrug It Off 90 Buff Skill Aero

CT4 Nullifies up to two attacks.
Ill Wind 120 Mag. Attack Aero
100 100% SP24 100% chance to cause poison.
(Causes damage over time)
Mist Guard n/a Auto Aero

DMG REDUCE: 0% | Doubles EVD%.
Incurable n/a Auto Poison

HP & DEF are permanently set to 1.
Current Control 30 Auto Aero

While not in the front position, avoid magic that would otherwise target the whole party.
Survival Instinct 40 Auto Neutral

The accuracy floor (Base HIT%÷2) no longer applies to attacks targeting this skill’s bearer.
Dragonslayer 200 Auto Dragon

Innate STR stat becomes 150, but only while attacking.

Awakened Power

Kitchen Sink is powered up upon any of the following:

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Kitchen Sink 60 Phys. Attack Fighting
120 100% CT6 100% chance to inflict stun.
(Target cannot act that turn)

How to Get Her

Pick her as your starting character or revive her on the Southern Shores using a Soul Returner.
5+ party members will require you to wait until near the very end of the game to battle her on the Royal Road in order for her to join.

Actually Using Her

Wind I is, in short, top class. She is quite possibly the single best character overall in the entire game. Many have thought it tragic that she has but 1 HP and 1 DEF to her name, only to find out later on that her combination of Current Control, Survival Instinct, and absurdly high AGI make her insanely difficult to kill.

Her Incurable passive renders her too ill to be stricken with any other ailments, but this comes at a small price: certain passive skills from equipment will not trigger for her, either. Shrug It Off is one of her most important skills, enabling her to cheat death twice every 4 turns, and Kitchen Sink is one of the most reliable ways in the game to interrupt foes should you need to buy time or halt dangerous incoming attacks.

The main gameplan when running Wind I is to bolster her evasion further with the Evasiveness and Sense Danger EX Skills, all the while pouring Souls into her AGI and MAG. It is well worth raising her as quickly as you can, even if it means neglecting your other characters, as once those two stats are maxed out and she learns Ill Wind at SL120, she is effectively “complete” in her role as a spellcaster.

While Wind I’s raw damage output does start to taper off towards the late game as stronger Elementals overtake her, it is her utility and survivability that keep her relevant and worthy of consideration for any party. All of her unique traits and skills make her one of the easiest characters with whom to complete a solo run, despite appearing something of a “challenge character” on the surface.

One word of caution: although Windi cannot herself be charmed, she will be the first in line for a punch to the gut should any of her teammates find themselves afflicted with charm status. Gut punches never miss, and they punch right through Shrug It Off, so take all precautions necessary when facing opponents who can inflict this nasty ailment.

Tactical Mode Considerations

Enemies have reduced HP in Tactical Mode, meaning Wind I stands to gain a significant advantage for her team by opening with Kitchen Sink if the target doesn’t resist it. Raising her is easy as she is maxed out as a spellcaster around SL120, and you need not worry about her extremely lopsided stats. Windi is highly recommended for any Tactical Mode team.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Elemental Knife (Earth) It’s lightweight, hits all foes (with Quake I), and does so with a type that is very effective against many enemies throughout the whole game.
Mystic Branch This is the staff that will give Windi the power to make it through the early game. Its value cannot be overstated. Where the Earth Elemental Knife fails, this branch will take care of pesky Water type foes. It also boosts magic power which is a welcome plus.
Magic Sword: Windi Do you like the idea of Windi carrying a huge sword? Then this is for you.
Magic Wand: Windi This is the strongest aero weapon Windi can wield. It hits from mid range so she can battle from relative safety.
Dark Ring
Eternal Ring
These chakram give Windi some much-needed extra options if she plays a healing role. The Eternal Ring also boasts strong offensive magic.
Saint Shield Full-party HP recovery from its Pray skill as well as immunity to stat debuffs thanks to its Neutral typing. The irritating White Shield skill won’t trigger if you play your cards right. Plus, it’s easy to make.
Only downside is that without a Windwing Bangle, this puts Windi over her equipment weight limit.
Khulspau The HP reduction downside is irrelevant since Wind I isn’t affected by it. It imparts stat debuff immunity AND weighs less than the Saint Shield.
Hexilliam The shield itself offers favorable typing, weighs just 1, and offers SP regeneration.
True Orladin Guard HP reduction downside does not affect Windi. Could potentially be very deadly if paired with something like an Eternal Ring...
Reflector Has some of the better skills available out of all the zero-weight shields.
Evil Ring A free +1.3x magic boost with none of the downsides since Wind I’s HP can’t be reduced any further.
Wind Necklace Going to make Windi cast nothing but aero magic? You can’t go wrong with this. Plus, extra critical hit chance.
Choice Scarf Boosts evasiveness to unbelievable heights. When doing a Windi solo run, you NEED one of these.
Focus Sash Insurance against accidental deaths. Competes with the Choice Scarf for “most valuable item” during Windi solo runs. It’s no accident that the game throws one at you during the tutorial when you select her as your main character.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
Sense Danger Any damage = automatic death. Any extra chance to avoid that is welcome when it comes to Wind I.
Windi is a dodge tank. She NEEDS these.
For boosting her already impressive offensive power.
Type Affinity Even if you’re only going to cast Ill Wind, you want all the extra type% you can get.
Autoguard The 2x EVD% from Windi’s guard is too useful not to spec into this. The only downside is that anything that hits her through Current Control sucks tons of SP from her.
Magic Mastery
Magical Crit+
She’s a mage first and foremost, so these are required.
Affliction When you need Ill Wind, Kitchen Sink, or any status-afflicting weapon skill to pop first thing during a turn, you’ll wish you’d gone with this.