
She fights for her sisters' honor with power beyond any compare.

Innate Stats

Neutral 3 90 120 90 75 75 19

Stat Comparison

25 25 18 15 14 14
250 197 172 142 127 127


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Ultima n/a Mag. Attack Neutral
140 90% SP18 Damage dealt cannot be nullified due to unfavorable type match-ups.
Magic Weapon n/a Phys. Attack Weapon 100% 100% CT1 Type rate is doubled.
Ultima Weapon 180 Phys. Attack Weapon 25%
100% CT6 Attack multiplier is changed proportional to the user’s current HP.
Guardian n/a Auto Neutral

DMG REDUCE: 20% | While in the front position, this skill’s bearer is the focus of single & all target attacks.
Heavy Mastery 120 Auto Steel

Equipment weight is added to the user’s weapon attack.
Ultima Skin 160 Auto Neutral

Neutral-type attacks become 1.3x stronger.

How to Get Her

Clear the game and win round 3 of the SUPER Battle Arena. You may add Ultima to the party by pressing SHIFT twice while hovering your cursor over Quick Move.

Actually Using Her

Ultima is a simple Neutral type attacker. It is her simplicity that makes it easy to see how strong she is.

One would think that her Ultima Weapon skill would top out at 267% since this is the theoretical upper limit for it (HP+50, Green Armlet), but HP is always subject to change at any time for any reason… and with an innate AGI stat of just 75, it is VERY likely to change before she can use it. You could always have someone faster heal her before the attack goes off, or use a Choice Scarf or AGI+ EX Skill to compensate.

Since she will happily wield any manner of weaponry with her solid carry weight, don’t feel like you have to keep yourself locked down to just Ultima Weapon. She’s plenty strong no matter what you do with her.

You can use her as a tank, but be prepared to give her a nice shield to make sure the enemy doesn’t sink her too quickly with party-wide attack spam.

Tactical Mode Considerations

Magic Weapon provides steady and reliable physical damage. You could also use her as a tank if you wanted to. No matter what role she plays, she will only get stronger and stronger the more SL you pump into her.

Unless you make a beeline for HIKARI Dominion, you won’t get her until the mid-game anyway since she is locked behind Quick Move. Still, she could make a solid, permanent addition to any party once you get her.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Ultima Sword It’s got her name right in it. (WT10)
Whiteslash Strong on its own, but the HP regen makes it nice for tanking. (WT4)
Breaking Mace Neutral/Fighting. A good choice for supporting with its debuffs. (WT4)
Great Club Neutral/Fighting. (WT9)
Dozer Axe Neutral/Rock. (WT10)
Auto Bowgun Neutral/Steel. (WT7)
Black Lance Neutral/Dark. (WT6)
Chikage Neutral/Poison. Saps HP each turn making Ultima Weapon hard to use to its full potential. (WT6)
Acute Ereis Neutral/Water. (WT2)
True Moonlight Sword Similar to Ultima Sword. Nice HP & SP regen built in. (WT9)
Any Crystal Sword All of them are heavy (WT6~12) and all but one offers Crystallize. Clear Wing trades Crystallize for Dichroic Mirror, which is ideal given Ultima’s guard skill draws all-targeting attacks her way.
KARASAWA 155 attack power. (WT14). Variable typing makes them easy to use with Magic Weapon.
Purple Flame Shield Both offer nice defensive skills. (WT9)
Tower Acid
Big Brushwood Shield Good defensive skills and favorable typing. (WT11)
Judge Shield HP regen of 10%. (WT10)
Silverdark Shield For pumping physical power. (WT8)
Plasma Spike Draw aggro and paralyze everyone. (WT6)
Bromia Shield Hard and heavy. Has a physical nullifying skill. (WT11)
Dark Inferno Hard and heavy. Can boost the Ultima spell’s power. (WT10)
Charabinactos For dealing with Fighting types. (WT5)
Green Armlet 20 extra HP for greater Ultima Weapon destruction. (WT1)
Wide-Angle Lens Good for accuracy. (WT0)
Metal Frame Heavy and tough. (WT5)
Flat Trap Enhances the efficacy of the Plasma Spike by making the recoil itself capable of inflicting paralysis.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
Type Affinity
For additional firepower.
HP+50 Helps with both offense and defense.
Guard Power
Mandatory if Ultima is going to tank.