Tornado III

His power grows and grows like a cyclone spiralling out of control.

Innate Stats

Aero 3 78 92 74 75 118 16

Stat Comparison

25 24 16 14 14 18
250 185 144 126 127 170


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Tornado III n/a Mag. Attack Aero
95 90% SP12 10% chance of inflicting stun.
(Target cannot act that turn)
Tailwind 90 Buff Skill Aero

CT4 Raises the party’s AGI by one stage.
Tornado Kick 150 Phys. Attack Aero
120 95% CT3 Variable Aero/Fighting type; dramatically more powerful against targets with buffed stats.
Tornado Guard n/a Auto Aero

Passive DMG REDUCE: 40% | Halves damage taken from attacks that target the party.
Gigantify 120 Auto Aero

Passive While HP is 50% or higher, attacks targeting all foes become 1.2x stronger.
Rage Voltage 180 Auto Fighting

Passive At the end of each turn, attack multiplier +5%.

How to Get Him

Clear the game and win round 10 of the Battle Arena. You may add Tornado III to the party by pressing SHIFT twice while hovering your cursor over Confuse.

Actually Using Him

Rage Voltage boosts his attack multiplier by 5% each turn he is alive with a limit of +55%. Dying and being revived restarts the count. You can watch it add up right before your eyes just like with Water I. This percentage is ADDED at the END of %calculations, meaning that something which is not immune but would normally be 0% will display as 5%, then 10%, etc. (Aero against Steel, for example).

Tornado III can support the party with Tailwind and items while dealing massive damage using Tornado Kick. Gigantify makes him ideal for helping clear swathes of trash mobs in a hurry, and Rage Voltage is obviously great for longer battles.

Rage Voltage is additive which makes it possible to fight without fretting as much about type match ups, which is of course quite appealing. He has strong skills, but you can also get away with arming him with a decent weapon that has solid typing and just swinging away.

Tactical Mode Considerations

Tornado Kick and Rage Voltage come very late in the game. He won’t even have a high enough level to support the team with Tailwind unless you pump some levels into him as soon as you get him.

The reality of Tactical Mode is that it favors ending battles as quickly as possible, making Tornado III's slower-to-develop battle style a tough sell.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Bramd The STR buff is nice for dealing big damage with Tornado Bramd Kick. The STR buff only applies when in the front position, so keep that in mind.
Rising Falcon Gives Tornado III a physical option for laying the smack down on all foes as well as Aero STAB for normal attacks.
Thunder Bow A good choice for pesky Ghost type bosses and others with tough to deal with types.
Halberd Cannon Its Swing skill is made all the more useful thanks to Gigantify.
Blitzgazer A nice Aero STAB option with a Light-type party-wide physical skill.
Tenpuu Aero STAB weapon usable up front or on the mid-lines.
Clear Wing Aero STAB sword with Dichroic Mirror built in.
Shield of Tower Tornado Guard pairs up nicely with its aggro on party-wide attacks... whether the damage HE takes gets halved is inconclusive, however.
Amber Armlet To keep Tornado III alive during those long, drawn out fights.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
Sense Danger Rage Voltage resets if Tornado III dies. This helps to prevent that.
Auto Recovery He only benefits from Gigantify at 50%+ HP.
STR+ Required for maximum damage dealing potential.