Stone I

Beneath her rock-hard shell hides a girl who knows better than anyone the worth of protecting her friends.

Innate Stats

Rock 1 50 50 50 150 50 20

Stat Comparison

25 21 11 11 21 11
250 157 102 102 202 102


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Stone I n/a Mag. Attack Rock
75% 100% SP4 Basic single-target Rock-type magic.
Defender n/a Buff Skill Rock

CT3 The user will not be attacked on the turn this skill is used.
Harden 30 Buff Skill Rock

CT3 Raises the user’s DEF by one stage.
Rock Cutter 80 Buff Skill Rock

CT4 Raises the user’s AGI by two stages.
Double-Edge 140 Phys. Attack Rock
150% 100% CT4 The user suffers 50% of the damage dealt as recoil damage.
Rock Guard n/a Auto Rock

Passive DMG REDUCE: 30% | When an attacker has higher AGI than this skill’s bearer, DMG REDUCE is instead 60%.
Toughness n/a Auto Rock

Passive This skill’s bearer cannot incur mortal damage while at full HP, and is also immune to insta-kill.
Hard-Headed 50 Auto Rock

Passive While HP is 50% or higher, this skill’s bearer suffers no recoil damage.
Hard Rock 100 Auto Rock

Passive Reduces super effective damage suffered by 25%.
Build Up 200 Auto Neutral

Passive ♦Skills become 1.3x stronger, but any additional effects they have no longer apply.

Awakened Power

Stone I is powered up upon any of the following:

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Stone Memory n/a Mag. Attack Rock
100% 100% SP12 20% chance to petrify.
(Cannot act)

In addition, Harden will upgrade to Grand Crystallize if Stone I is acquired at the Dwarven Forge rather than the Western Graveyard.

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Grand Crystallize 30 Buff Skill Rock

CT3 Raises DEF; 50% of the user’s MAG is added to their STR for 3 turns.

How to Get Her

Pick her as your starting character or talk to her in the Western Graveyard and she will join you.
5+ party members will require you to battle Quake III at the Dwarven Forge for her to join.
If you defeat Quake III prior to getting 5+ party members, Stone I will simply be at the Western Graveyard.

Actually Using Her

Stone I is a defensive specialist and lives up to her name. However, this defensive might is hers, and hers alone; it does not serve to protect her teammates. This is fine in the early game while enemies are not yet intelligent enough to attack anyone but the party member in the front position, but makes her challenging to use as a tank come late game when foes start targeting the rest of the team.

Giving the Revive EX Skill to her teammates, or simply holding out until Stone I has a chance to revive them herself, are both valid tactics which serve as the foundation of the Zombie Attack strategy.

Since Stone I is RANK 1 and has a full 8 EX Skill slots at her disposal, it is quite easy to turn her into a nigh-indestructible dreadnought. Rotating her to the front and clicking guard each turn is simple enough and takes full advantage of her Rock Guard guard skill’s damage reduction, but take care not to allow her AGI to get boosted for any reason lest you squander that advantage. This can also make it tricky to use her when your strategy revolves around lowering the enemy’s AGI. Be sure to keep an eye on her HP as well, as it stands strikingly low compared to her titanic DEF stat.

Another valid use of Stone I is as a blitz attacker by equipping her with a World Reversal accessory, swapping her DEF over to her AGI. This would necessitate finding someone else to fill the tanking role, but there are plenty of good candidates for that should you slot Stone I into the middle or back positions.

Tactical Mode Considerations

The Zombie Attack strategy described above is quite workable since your attackers will fall the moment the wind picks up. Tactical Mode may just be the polisher Stone I needs to truly make her shine.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Grossforge Defense debuffs are great against bosses. It’s also just great to swing around since it has both Water and Stone typing.
Whiteslash HP Autoheal (L) and Cover are the perfect skills for a tank to have.
Flip Phone Only available through carrying over data from playing Kiito’s previous games, which at the time of writing, only Wind I Creator is in English. However... If you do know the passwords for the other two games, this weapon is an absolute gem for Stone I since it matches her in type.
Crush Mace Destructive Joy is such a great skill for softening up the enemy.
Stone I has great defensive power even without guarding, so having her beat down foes with this isn’t a terrible choice if you just don’t care.
Drill Spear Matches Stone I’s typing. Its debuffing effect has a 100% activation rate. It’s just the ticket for weakening the enemy. Just don’t forget to seal Stone I’s Build Up passive before using it.
Duplex Greatbow Another great Rock type weapon for the Rock type girl.
Offers excellent single-target damage and has a nice buff when situated in the rear position.
Noble Bow Stone I has nothing to fear about recoil from Holy Rage, so go wild.
The only problem is its typing: Dark/Light. That makes it tricky to use.
Plasma Spike Paralyzed foes have a harder time hitting you, which in turn makes your party harder to kill. Paralyzed foes are also easier to hit. The downside is that Stone I will likely be faster than Paralyzed targets, worsening her Rock Guard’s potency.
Shield of Tower Lets Stone I LARP as Leaf Barrier & Electro Barrier with a physical-only version of Wide Guard. This is exceptionally handy since Stone I otherwise lacks a means of drawing aggro away from her teammates.
Large Shield
Tower Shield
Nullifies crits while defending. This is great since crits ignore guard skills and are the #1 killer of party members in ENCHANT FARM.
Psycho Rage Nullifies crits all the time and has complete immunity to status ailments.
The downsides? HP drain hurts. And the status immunity is reduced to half resistance when used in Tactical Mode.
Imperial Cross Nullifies crits. Not available during a first playthrough.
Flat Trap Paired with a Spike Shield or Plasma Spike, you can kill a surprising number of bosses just by sitting there and defending. Is it fast? Nope. Does it work? Sure does. Damage dealt is based on the foe’s max HP.
Evolution Stone She already boasts absurd defense. This makes it laughably high.
World Reversal Sacrifices DEF to gain incredible AGI.
This makes her great as an attacker or a supporter.
Life Sphere
Liferisk Orb
No downsides since Hard-Headed nullifies recoil. Just be mindful that the Liferisk Orb only works for single-target.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
All of these serve to improve her tanking.
Guard Power
Auto Recovery
Auto Cure
Type Affinity
Bash Mastery
Vital if she will be attacking.
Affliction Useful for getting Stone Memory’s petrify to proc, as well as any other weapon skills with status ailments Stone I might be carrying.