Starlight III

Through depravity and madness, he wields light's power to lift up those around him.

Innate Stats

Light 3 110 65 65 130 60 19

Stat Comparison

25 27 13 13 19 12
250 217 117 117 182 112


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Starlight III n/a Mag. Attack Light
100 90% SP12 High-level all-target Light-type magic.
Heal III n/a Recovery Light
100% 100% SP20 Fully restores an ally’s HP.
Air Render 150 Phys. Attack Neutral
95 100% CT2 Lands critical hits often.
Aura Guard n/a Auto Light

Passive DMG REDUCE: 20% | Affects the whole party.
Light Powder 80 Auto Light

Passive 1/16 chance to avoid attacks.
Auto Regen 130 Auto Light

Passive Recover 10% HP at the end of each turn.

Awakened Power

Starlight III will be powered up if either of the following conditions are met:

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Starlight III n/a Mag. Attack Light
120 90% SP12 High-level all-target Light-type magic.

How to Get Him

Battle him in HIKARI Villa.

Actually Using Him

His HP and DEF are outstanding, and he brings to the table great evasiveness, a guard skill that benefits the whole party, and a built-in HP regen skill. He even has beastly all-targeting magic. All of this makes him a true paladin.

You can equip him with just about anything you like to take full and immediate advantage of his excellent stat and skill spread. Air Render alone is incredibly strong, but you may get the best mileage out of him by handing him a World Reversal and EX Skilling him up for firing off magic quickly instead.

Tactical Mode Considerations

The hard cap on HP regen hurts the case for using him a bit. Furthermore, the 20% damage reduction from his guard skill won’t do much good on Tactical since everyone will be on the wire in terms of HP and DEF as a matter of course. Above all, the battle to get him in the first place isn’t easy.

It might still be worth getting him anyway once you’ve raised the SL cap to some degree, but it’s hard to say when that should be.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Whiteslash With EX Skills HP+50 and Auto Recovery II, Starlight III becomes something of a hydra with more heads than the enemy will be able to deal with. Cover is also nice to have. It’s light enough that you can bring a heavy shield along without going over weight. This isn’t as good in tactical mode.
Comet Caestus Could improve Starlight III’s reliability in Tactical Mode.
Saint Shield Guard. +20% damage reduction party-wide. Pray to restore everyone’s HP. This is full on paladin mode. Lightning has few weaknesses, making this an easy choice to keep on at all times.
Shield of Tower Can help with keeping all-targeting attacks off the back lines.
Magiplex Bracelet Heal III hits differently when you aren’t paying SP20 to use it.
World Reversal Gives up his DEF for massive AGI, turning him into a beastly attacker assuming you give him the proper EX Skill loadout.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
HP+50 Serves to improve his already great HP regen. Still worth having in Tactical Mode.
DEF+25 Get this ASAP to make him an even tougher wall than he already is.
Auto Recovery Take advantage of his great HP.
Auto Cure
Pick these for Tactical Mode since further HP regen will do you little good.
Evasiveness If equipped with World Reversal, this is worth going for to build for dodge tanking.
Guard Power The boosted defense won’t apply to the party-wide coverage of his guard skill, but this may as well be mandatory for tanking.