Spirit Curse

Woe betide any who find themselves within earshot of this downer-diva's ghastly notes.

Innate Stats

Ghost 3 89 124 80 80 55 20

Stat Comparison

25 25 19 14 14 12
250 196 176 132 132 107


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Spirit Curse n/a Debuff Skill Ghost
0 100% SP10 100% chance to lower a foe’s MAG by one stage.
Shadow Claw 100 Phys. Attack Slash 135% 100% CT2 SLASHING WEAPON ONLY | High critical hit rate.
Spirit Curse II 150 Mag. Attack Ghost
130 100% SP20 Insta-kill a foe.
Spirit Guard n/a Auto

Passive DMG REDUCE: 100% | While in the front position, DMG REDUCE is instead 0%.
Elbow Knuckle n/a Auto

Passive Close-range attacks are 1.3x stronger even when used from long-range.
Destiny Bond 130 Auto

1 When this skill’s bearer is defeated by a foe’s single-target attack, insta-kills that foe.

Awakened Power

Shadow Claw will be powered up if Cold Pasta and/or Spirit Bless are in the party.
+15% for each other idol in the party for a maximum of 165%.

How to Get Her

Battle her atop the stage in the Dwarven Mines.
8+ party members will require you to battle her along with the other 2 idols in the Verdant Valley, provided you have not already defeated any of the idols up to that point.

Actually Using Her

Elbow Knuckle makes her a physical powerhouse even when she’s not in the front position. She also has high carrying weight, meaning she can get the most out of some of the best gear in the game. Her one flaw is her remarkably low AGI, which means she’ll be missing a lot unless equipped with gear or EX Skills to compensate. But, the fact that she can utilize close-range skills from any position is her greatest asset.

Her built-in offensive skills are unimpressive to say the least. Therefore, focus your efforts on arming her with skills that don’t restrict her to slashing around with Shadow Claw. Then there’s the issue that she will now be competing for the rear position that would normally be occupied by a magic user. Take care to re-arrange the party to suit the need (trash fights, boss battles, etc). Her innate typing and base stats make her very sturdy, and you’ll find that she can handle a fair few hits from the back row during boss fights.

Hand her a Chaos Shield and she will be both tough and immune to status ailments. Give her a weapon with HP drain and she can keep herself healthy. Her flexibility and freedom of positioning and actions mean you can capitalize on her lower AGI to delay follow-up attacks or time healing after everyone has been injured.

Tactical Mode Considerations

It’s a shame that you will most likely need to forget about her reasonably high base MAG, but compromise is sometimes the name of the game in Tactical Mode. It may be best to get her early on, mid-line/back-line her, and have her stand by on defense with a Saint Shield to Pray everyone’s HP up. From there, you can build her into a combo queen or leave her as-is.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Chariot Lance STAB bonus and strong on its own. It also boasts great HIT% to make up for Spirit Curse’s lacking accuracy.
Underworld Sickle STAB slashing weapon. Great for wiping out trash mobs.
Umberduel Slashing. Close-range. Can suck HP from foes when using Shadow Claw. Decent HIT% to boot.
Shunrou STAB. Slashing. Close-range. Built-in HP recovery and Take The Lead make it a great pick. However, synthesizing it further will cause it to lose its Ghost typing.
Bloody Storm STAB. Slashing. Close-range. HP absorption. Wants for accuracy, but it serves its purpose for using Shadow Claw at least.
Any Dark type shield Paired with Ghost, this gives Spirit Bless immunity to 3 different types. The only real weakness is Esper, which you won’t find in many places anyway.
Zircon Shilling Lightweight Dark type shield. Best to let Spirit Curse have this when you plan on leaving her in the front position since the shield has a counter-based skill.
Chaos Shield Good middle-of-the-road Dark shield. Saps HP, but nullifying status ailments is a blessing.
Wide-Angle Lens +50% HIT% is a godsend for Spirit Curse.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
AGI+ Helps with accuracy. Since this is a flat stat increase, it does more for a character the worse their innate stats are.
Magical Crit+
Boost up those attacks, weapon skills, and type-based skills.
Expertise Spirit Curse will want additional weapon skills to take advantage of this EX Skill should you choose this.
Doublestrike A good choice if you plan on using her for regular attacks.
Type Affinity If you plan to use Ghost type weaponry.