Spirit Bless

She takes center stage and brings out the best in her allies with the power of song.

Innate Stats

Esper 2 140 70 85 45 45 11

Stat Comparison

25 30 13 15 11 11
250 247 122 137 97 97


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Spirit Bless n/a Buff Skill Esper

SP10 Raises an ally’s MAG by one stage.
Charm Voice 60 Mag. Attack Esper
40 100% SP5 100%-accurate all-targeting Esper-type magic.
Cheer Song 100 Recovery Esper
50% 100% CT3 Restores the party’s HP by 50% next turn.
Soul Song 150 Buff Skill Esper

CT4 Raises the party’s STR by one stage and bestows regen status next turn.
Sonic Wall n/a Auto Esper

Passive DMG REDUCE: 30% | While in the front position, 30% DMG REDUCE applies to the whole party.
Center 60 Auto Esper

Passive While in the front position, recover 10% SP at the end of each turn.
Fae Force 100 Auto Esper

Passive While SP is 50% or higher, Esper-type skills and weapons are 1.3x stronger for the whole party.
Hyper Smile 200 Auto Esper

Passive During the action phase, there is a 1/16 chance a given opponent will be unable to act.

Awakened Power

Charm Voice is powered up when the following condition is met:

Charm Voice’s power will increase by 20 for each other idol in the party for a maximum of 80.

How to Get Her

Fight her atop the stage in Verdant Valley and she will join you.
8+ party members and no other idols in the party will result in a battle against all 3 of the idols at once, after which they will all join the party together.

Actually Using Her

Spirit Bless is a rare pure supporter in a sea of other specialized and hybrid characters. It takes a turn for her songs to take effect, but you can’t argue with party-wide 50% HP recovery. Fae Force applies not only to Charm Voice, but to any Esper skills and weapons your party members are equipped with.

With extremely high HP, SP recovery from her Center passive, and her guard providing excellent damage reduction all around, she truly is an idol worthy of standing on center stage.

Since she’s RANK 2, she gets plenty of EX Skills, which you will need to pump up the power of her precious Esper type magic. Unfortunately, her AGI is terrible. Worse than Stone I’s. She may have perfect accuracy when using Charm Voice, but she herself is accursed when it comes to dodging anything. This means that the most dangerous thing in the world for her are insta-kill attacks (no matter HOW inaccurate they are). Prepare accordingly if you choose to bring her into battle against foes that use them.

Her carrying weight is also low, but you might not care much about the penalties if you just sit her up front and let her SP regen take care of things (and she’s so slow, who cares about the AGI penalty?). You might as well load her up with heavy gear and run with it.

Her Sonic Wall guard skill is great, but since it lacks the aggro draw of Provoke Guard and Wide Guard, you’ll still want to be mindful of the rest of the party if you choose Spirit Bless as your tank. And no matter what you do to ward crits on Spirit Bless herself, crits to OTHER party members will pierce right through Sonic Wall for frightening amounts of damage.

Her massive HP pool and innate SP recovery makes it possible for her to gain massive amounts of resources each turn with the right shield/accessory combo, but don’t forget that her primary role should be to support the party.

Tactical Mode Considerations

It is likely that using her as a tank will end poorly since the rest of the party will simply be too optimized in their attack roles to survive many hits, given the mediocre damage reduction her Guard Skill imparts to the team. Tactical Mode also hard caps her HP regen at 15%, and unless you’re going out of your way to defeat every boss, getting her final skill at SL200 is a distant dream at best. Spirit Bless is probably not the best for Tactical Mode.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Whiteslash 10% HP regen makes her that much harder to kill.
Comet Caestus Its support skills are good for keeping the rest of the party on their feet.
Morningstar Bumps up Cheer Song’s healing to a cool 60%.
Flame Club Think of it as a Dispel Herb that costs 5 SP. Just the thing for a support specialist.
Knight Shield Esper/Steel typing is among the best in terms of defense. Its skills also lend themselves to standing there on the front line.
Psycho Rage Spirit Bless cannot afford to eat criticals, so this takes care of them. The status resistance is a plus, but the downside is that it drains a bit of HP each turn.
Imperial Cross Not available during a first playthrough, but could be a good choice to ward off crits for a Tactical Mode run.
Earth Spirit Ring Paired with Fae Force, this could greatly improve the power of allies’ Spider swords (compound Earth/Esper type).
Any equipment with HP regen built in A massive HP pool means more HP gained per turn. Not on Tactical Mode, though.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
Auto Recovery Make the most of Spirit Bless’s massive HP pool.
To cover her deficiencies and bolster her strengths.
Type Affinity Charm Voice just keeps getting more powerful.
Guard Power A must if Spirit Bless will be guarding on the front line.
Resistance Since she clearly won’t be avoiding state-afflicting attacks, you’re better off taking this to have a chance to ward them off.
Leader This may be Spirit Bless’s one and only shot at going first in the whole game. Helps for applying buffs, but can be a hindrance if you planned for her to heal later in a round.