
A seething cauldron of rage and cowardice whose toxic disposition infects any who dare to stand against him.

Innate Stats

Poison 2 80 95 60 82 75 17

Stat Comparison

25 24 16 12 15 14
250 187 147 112 134 127


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Poison n/a Mag. Attack Poison
65 100% SP5 100% chance to cause poison.
(Causes damage over time)
Cross Poison 70 Phys. Attack Slash 135% 100% CT2 SLASHING WEAPON ONLY | High critical hit rate and 30% chance to poison. (Causes damage over time)
Acid Bomb 90 Mag. Attack Poison
40 100% SP10 100% chance to reduce a target’s DEF.
Venom Trap 160 Debuff Skill Poison
0 100% CT4 Reduces multiple stats of a poisoned foe.
Poison Guard n/a Auto Poison

Passive DMG REDUCE: 40% | 30% chance of poison when an attacker makes contact.
Fleet-Footed 80 Auto Dark

Passive If an attack would otherwise deal mortal damage, redirects that attack to a different party member.
Conceal 100 Auto Dark

CT5 Avoid foes’ attacks.
Chasedown 130 Auto Poison

Passive Physical attack power is 1.5x greater against a poisoned target.

Awakened Power

Cross Poison powered up when either of the following conditions are met:

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Cross Poison 70 Phys. Attack Slash 150% 100% CT2 SLASHING WEAPON ONLY | High critical hit rate and 30% chance to poison. (Causes damage over time)

How to Get Him

Fight him in the Forest Hut (Huntsman’s Woods) and he will join you.
You may also add Wind I to your party and have him join without a battle.

Actually Using Him

Poison is something of a ninja who excels at dodging and mitigating damage while unleashing attacks as he is able. Despite his lacking defenses, he is somehow still tough enough to stand tall on the front line and smack foes around up close with little issue.

His Fleet-Footed skill is one of the very few ways in the game to work around bosses' immunity piercing for frontliners, making it quite possible to nullify them completely by shirking attacks away to those in the middle and rear positions who aren't subject to it.

Put Poison and Windi together in the party and have her spam Ill Wind while Poison hacks away at the enemy for a fun and powerful combo, provided they don’t resist Poison status, of course.

When getting Poison to join your party, you have a choice to make: do you prefer Souls/a Poison Magicite Source? Or his powered-up Cross Poison? Decisions, decisions...

Tactical Mode Considerations

He is worth considering for your team since he is very tough to kill even if you don’t put a single level into his DEF. He is a great physical attacker and can even play support by Acid Bombing the enemy to soften their defenses.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Bio Crescent Your anti-Steel type monster. Equip Poison with a Gold Ring or a Lightning type shield if you use this since the risk of self-paralysis is not something you want to deal with. One of the best parts about this weapon is the fact that it can force stat debuffs to work against Neutral type opponents.
Death Chironex Appears mediocre at a glance, but that’s only because you didn’t check its 3rd skill – Envenom, which deals 1.5x more damage to poisoned foes. Sound familiar? That’s right. Poison himself has the same passive built in. You do the math.
Umberduel Poison will want this if fighting from the front position. The HP absorbing skill built in will go a long way to helping him stay alive.
Scorpion Same type as Poison, plus none of the downsides of Poison Curse. Once Poison’s STR and MAG are maxed out, Crystallize is a heck of a buff.
Magic Wand: Windi Weighs nothing. Slashing attribute. Mid-range. Can potentially apply Toxin to the entire enemy party. You may be better off handing this to a faster character and having them LARP as Wind I, then having Poison clean up the sickly foes afterwards. Be advised that Venom Trap only works on Poisoned foes, but not ones afflicted with Toxin.
Darkdrift Katanas are effective both up front and from the mid-lines, and its HP recovery skills will serve to keep Poison off of the noose. The crit rate is nice, too. And it’s hard to complain about its Fighting type.
Chikage Poison Katana for Poison himself. You pay: 1/16 of your max HP each turn. You get: an extraordinarily powerful weapon with some killer skills. It is so powerful that even using it for normal attacks, you don’t really need to worry about its compound Poison/Neutral typing. The problem is that you won’t be getting one of these until AFTER clearing the game and dealing with the SUPER Battle Arena.
Chaos Shield Dark/Poison is a great type pairing in terms of defense. Other Dark shields don’t have favorable skills for Poison. The downside is that this shield saps HP, so pairing it with Chikage will very quickly chip away at Poison’s life force (approx. 1/7 per turn).

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
A must if Poison is going to be a damage dealer.
Slash Mastery Greatly boosts Cross Poison’s efficacy.
Doublestrike Potentially poison a foe on hit 1, enabling Chasedown’s extra damage for hit 2.
Physical Crit+ Straight up power boost.
Sense Danger
For when you don’t want Fleet-Footed to proc all the time.
Affliction Helps Poison do what his name suggests. Since he has lots of 100% affliction rates, this just makes it better.