Flame III

Once sealed away, she now rains fiery terror upon any unfortunate enough to cross her.

Innate Stats

Flame 3 65 95 130 60 65 15

Stat Comparison

25 23 16 19 12 13
250 172 147 182 112 117


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Flame III n/a Mag. Attack Flame
95 90% SP12 10% chance to inflict burn.
(Reduces STR, causes damage over time)
Overheat 80 Mag. Attack Flame
130 90% SP10 After attacking, the user’s MAG is lowered by one stage.
Purgatory 140 Mag. Attack Flame
100 50% SP12 100% chance to inflict burn.
(Reduces STR, causes damage over time)
Burst Guard n/a Auto Flame

Passive DMG REDUCE: 40% | When hit directly, reflect 30% of the damage taken back as magic damage.
Drought 100 Auto Light

Passive Until turn 5, Flame-type magic becomes 1.2x stronger.
Solar Power 160 Auto Flame

Passive While Drought is active, deals damage over time, and magic becomes 1.3x stronger.

Awakened Power

Defeating the Flame Ruler will cause Purgatory to change into Dragon Fire, and Drought will change into Atomic Sun. Defeating the Blaze Master boss in the Bonus Room will render these upgrades permanent, even during subsequent playthroughs on the same file.

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Dragon Fire 140 Mag. Attack Dragon
130 95% SP16 100% chance to inflict burn.
(Reduces STR, causes damage over time)
Atomic Sun 100 Auto Dragon

Passive Until turn 5, Flame-type magic becomes 1.2x stronger, and Dragon-type magic becomes 1.5x stronger.

How to Get Her

Interact with the Molten Iron Sword in the south part of The Melting Den past the wall of blue fire (you must activate all of the torches in the Melting Den to extinguish the blue flames) and she will join you.

Actually Using Her

Flame III is a high-risk high-reward damage dealer.

Not only is her pure offensive power very high, but her typing is great, too. Downsides include her own skills being able to kill her if you aren’t paying attention, as well as low accuracy.

Her Solar Power passive works the same way as the Liferisk Orb. It only saps Flame III’s HP when she attacks, contrary to the nebulous verbiage seen in the skill description.

Tactical Mode Considerations

She joins the party at a minimum of SL150, so you’ll want to get her as fast as possible. Getting to and through The Royal Road won’t be easy though...

As Flame III will raise the average level of your team, getting her quickly may help save Souls on leveling other allies that join. Example: Main character is SL80 and Flame III joins at SL150, your average party level is now 115. Therefore the next ally who joins you will be SL115, provided they don’t exceed the level cap. Flame III herself can ignore the level cap depending on how early she joins you, making her well suited for Tactical Mode. Once you have her along, it’s all downhill for any boss that is weak to Flame types.

If you’re good at dodging all the enemies on the way to reach her, then she’s well worth the effort.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Earthquaker Might be nice to have for casting Quake III.
Magic Book: Ruler Essential for blasting away with III-level magic. Also capable of unleashing magic of various types with Ruler Blaze, which takes the user’s 2nd type.
Dark Inferno Weighs a lot, but a must for pure magic characters.
Any Neutral type shield Nullifies the stat reduction of Overheat.
Wide-Angle Lens Helps to make up for Flame III’s low accuracy.
Choice Specs A straight firepower upgrade.
Magiplex Bracelet Helps reduce SP costs. A bit heavy.
Proof of Hero Flame III burns through HP & SP like there’s no tomorrow.
Proof of King Awesome for laying waste to trash mobs. 100% minimum multiplier from the back row is hard to argue with.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
Magic Mastery Flame III will often be using magic of non-STAB types...
Type Affinity ...But you’ll still want this.
Boosts the living hell out of Flame III’s offensive power.
Auto Recovery Offsets Solar Power’s slip damage.