Electro Barrier

She stands betwixt her comrades and the enemy, an unbreakable circuit of light and loyalty.

Innate Stats

Lightning 2 105 70 70 70 70 14

Stat Comparison

25 27 13 13 13 13
250 212 122 122 122 122


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Electro Barrier n/a Buff Skill Lightning

SP10 For 5 turns, nullifies Lightning and provides natural status-ailment recovery rate of 10%.
Electro Ball 60 Mag. Attack Lightning
0% 100% SP5 Becomes stronger the higher the user’s AGI is than the target’s.
Quick Strike 90 Phys. Attack Weapon 100% 100% CT3 Attacks first.
Electro Net 150 Mag. Attack Lightning
55 95% SP12 Lowers a foe’s AGI.
Wide Guard n/a Auto Neutral

Passive DMG REDUCE: 30% | While in the front position, attacks that target all strike only the member in front.
Cover 50 Auto Neutral

CT4 Takes an attack in an ally’s stead if that attack would otherwise kill them.
Synchronize 100 Auto Lightning

Passive Boosts DEF when certain members are in the party.

(What it means is if Leaf Barrier is in the party)
Guard Booster 150 Auto Neutral

Passive While in the front position, defending reduces damage taken by an additional 10%.

Awakened Power

Quick Strike and Synchronize are powered up upon any of the following:

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Quick Strike 90 Phys. Attack Weapon 150% 100% CT3 Attacks first.
Synchronize 100 Auto Lightning

Passive Boosts DEF when certain members are in the party.

(All stats are boosted by 2 stages during boss battles)

How to Get Her

Pick her as your starting character or talk to her at The Curry House.
5+ party members will require you to battle her before she will join you.

Actually Using Her

Electro Barrier protects the party from all-targeting attacks by taking all of the damage herself while guarding and in the front position. Late-game bosses will deal incredible damage should she pull in their party-wide attacks this way, so be prepared to come up with a way to deal with those or she will quickly find herself on the floor.

Elekky’s ability to provide Lightning nullification to the team, her wide selection of workable equipment, and her Cover skill make her a good character to put into any party as insurance against more feeble teammates getting killed. The task is keeping Electro Barrier herself breathing all the while.

...Which can prove challenging as, when compared to Leaf Barrier, Elekky is generally geared more towards offense than defense. Still, her Electro Net skill is a fantastic offensive AND defensive play since foes with reduced AGI will miss more often. Its AGI reduction will also still work even if it deals zero damage to foes resistant to, or immune to Lightning. Quick Strike is a solid move when you’re down to the wire and need to fire off an attack before the enemy can get their own offense rolling.

Electro Barrier’s one weakness is that she has average stats across the board and can’t specialize into a specific role like other characters can. Giving her the right EX Skills can allay this to some extent, but it is highly likely you will use her for her utility more so than for anything else.

Tactical Mode Considerations

Since Elekky’s Wide Guard skill can protect your attackers, she is a welcome addition to a Tactical Mode party. Leveling her up to a “complete” and usable state is also quicker than most.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Dragon Hunter Spear Quick Strike benefits greatly from this weapon. May be worth using if doing an Elekky solo run and building for physical offense.
Undead Rapie For Zombie Attack strats. It’s a bit heavy, but who cares about overweight/AGI penalties when everyone’s dying anyway?
Umbral Provides much needed magic nullification when covering the party with Wide Guard.
Phosphorescent Pole For physical defense. It has just the 1 nullifying skill with a somewhat reasonable CT6.
Reflect Guard One-stop shop for magic defense. Reduces incoming magic damage by 1/3 and has a 1/3 chance to nullify it completely.
Hexilliam Having Lightning+Earth typing is nice. Also restores SP.
Reflector A possible alternative to Reflect Guard. Both have their ups and downs.
Dragon Crest Shield Null Flame is a great skill that actually works against endgame bosses who can pierce through type immunities (since it’s a skill, not a type). The SP regen is icing on the cake since defending tends to consume SP.
Jet-Black Bracelet Stacks with Reflect Guard and similar items to increase your chances of nullifying magic attacks outright.
Fairy Doll Pair it with the Revival EX Skill. Who cares if Elekky only revives 1 HP when Wide Guard will still soak up all the damage that comes her way? Not available during a first playthrough.
Barrier Ring You can’t argue with the awesome magic defense boost it adds to the Electro Barrier skill.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
Guard Power More damage reduction is always welcome when using Wide Guard.
Revival For Zombie Attack strats.
AGI+ Electro Ball gains power the higher Elekky’s AGI is compared to the enemy. Electro Net will tank foes’ AGI to make that difference even greater, but it never hurts to stack as much AGI as you can with this EX Skill.
Type Affinity
If Elekky is going to be attacking, take your pick.
Auto Recovery
For tanking.