Darkness I

In a world of kings and rulers, a girl embarks on a journey to become the QUEEN.

Innate Stats

Dark 1 50 85 55 85 50 17

Stat Comparison

25 21 15 12 15 11
250 157 137 107 137 102


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Darkness I n/a Mag. Attack Dark
65 90% SP6 10% chance to cause confusion.
(50% chance to attack self)
Swagger 30 Status Skill Dark
CT6 Prevents foes from gaining stat boosts for 3 turns.
(Ineffective against MIGHTY FOES)
Sneak Attack 60 Phys. Attack Weapon 135% 100% CT3 Strike first against a foe who will attack this turn.
(Ineffective against non-attacking foes)
Cheat 100 Phys. Attack Weapon 150% 100% CT3 Deals damage based on a factor of the target’s STR.
Dark Strike 180 Phys. Attack Weapon 155% 100% CT3 Always lands critical hits, but fails if damage is taken before the attack occurs.
Provoke Guard n/a Auto Dark

Passive DMG REDUCE: 30% | While in the front position, foes will always target the bearer of this skill.
Wealthy 40 Auto Neutral

Passive CT recovery rate is doubled for items.
Merchant Spirit 80 Auto Light

Passive Slightly boosts item drop rates.
Thief 120 Auto Dark

Passive Occasionally steal items after attacking foes.
Guts 160 Auto Flame

1 (Battle) Once per battle, the bearer of this skill will be revived with 1HP if they are defeated.

Awakened Power

Darkness I is powered up upon any of the following:

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Darkness I n/a Mag. Attack Dark
100% 90% SP6 10% chance to cause confusion.
(50% chance to attack self)

Yami QUEEN Evolution

If either of the following conditions are fulfilled:

And if during battle, at the end of a turn, 2 or more allies are K.O.’d, Darkness I will automatically transform into the Yami QUEEN, and some of her skills will change as well.
WT will temporarily increase from 17 to 23. It is unclear whether any of her other stats are affected.
Yami QUEEN transformation will not occur if Darkness I is afflicted with a status ailment.
It will also not occur if Darkness I is not at least SL150, regardless of whether the above conditions have been fulfilled.

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Deep Darkness n/a Mag. Attack Dark
95 → 100 90% SP6 10% chance to inflict charm.
(Attacks allies, cured by taking damage)
Dark Fantasy 180 Phys. Attack Weapon
155%~185% 100% CT3 Always lands critical hits, but fails if damage is taken before the attack occurs, etc…

(This is not included in the skill description, but this skill gains +10% power for each of your party members currently K.O.’d. Also reverts foes’ stat buffs to baseline. Also, it does not appear to fully fail like Dark Strike does – taking damage will cause the “always lands critical hits” part to fail, but the attack still deals damage and can revert foes’ stats as long as it lands.)
Queen Guard n/a Auto Dark

Passive DMG REDUCE: 40% | While in the front position, foes will always target the bearer of this skill.

How to Get Her

Pick her as your starting character or talk to her in the YAMI Dominion and she will join you.
5+ party members will require you to bring her a Laxative before she will join.
12+ members (and having spoken to Darkness I at least once) will require you to fight an upgraded boss in the YAMI Palace/Queen’s Domain where you would normally battle to get Darkness III to join you.

Actually Using Her

A classical tank through and through, Darkness I protects her allies by drawing single-target attacks away from them with her Provoke Guard skill. Her STR and DEF stand out as her best stats, but her HP and AGI are conversely quite low. You will likely want to supplement those deficits with the corresponding EX Skills.

Once you have built her properly, Darkness I is ready to shine as a pure attacker, a pure defender, or a hybrid of the two. Her high carrying weight makes it relatively easy to gear her up, but be mindful of individual pieces’ weight if you will be changing equipment often mid-battle, as you don’t want to put her at a disadvantage by mistake.

Tactical Mode Considerations

Dark Strike and Guts come at such high levels that they won’t likely be of much use to you. However, as most of your party members will be sacrificing defense for offense due to the Tactical Mode level cap, having Darkness I up front to keep the heat off of your attackers comes as extremely desirable. Darkness I is hard not to recommend.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Whiteslash A must for a frontline tank. Nice and light. Worth pairing with a Steel type shield.
Comet Caestus Another great choice for a Darkness I going full tank mode. Also light, but it’s a fist, so that’s a given.
Magic Sword: Windi Lightweight and powerful. Just the thing for killing dragons. Since the downsides of its first two weapon skills are nullified by its third skill, it’s the perfect thing for unleashing Dark Strikes.
Darkdrift Dark type, just like Darkness I herself. Makes up for its lack of offensive skills by making her that much harder to kill.
Dark Slayer Darkness I is immune to blind, so it’s almost like this weapon was made just for her. Quadra Type’s effective type does what it wants regardless of the fact that the displayed typing is always Dark, so getting STAB hits in may prove challenging.
Wedding Cake Knife Strong. Lightweight. Favorable typing. Dark Strike was always going to crit anyway, so it can seem a bit of a waste, but a solid pick nevertheless.
Light-Piercing Darkness Return From Limbo makes this an easy choice for tanking. Couple that with STAB from its 2nd type (Dark) and it’s a solid choice for one of Dark I’s weapon slots. Highly recommended if doing a Darkness I solo run.
Plasma Spike Provoke Guard + this shield is almost unfair. Paralysis reduces AGI by ¾, and in this game, AGI is king. Also has Steel typing which makes it a solid defensive option to begin with.
Knight Shield Can effectively halve physical damage while on the frontlines and defending. Just be careful not to get pounded by any Fighting type moves, or Darkness I's in trouble. Still, the Neutral type is nice to have against certain foes to ward off stat debuffs.
Zircon Shilling The shield to use when you need to avoid multi-strikes. Has a wicked 30% blind chance against anything that doesn’t resist it.
Amber Armlet HP Regen is always welcome when in a tanking role.
Evolution Stone Extra defense is always welcome in a tanking role. Just mind its heavy weight of 5.
Choice Scarf Compensates for Dark I’s lack of AGI and boosts the success chance of Dark Strike. Only really useful in battles where you won’t need Provoke Guard’s aggro-drawing effects since you cannot defend with this item equipped.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
Guard Power Essential if building her for tanking.
Expertise She has 3 innate weapon skills, so this is an easy choice.
To compensate for mediocre stats.
Auto Recovery Her base HP might be low, but this is still good to have.
Sense Danger
For Tactical Mode.