Confuse (♂)

His blind pursuit of the perfect physical form leaves him hungry for nourishment of the mind, heart, and soul.

Innate Stats

Fighting 2 75 125 30 75 85 20

Stat Comparison

25 24 19 9 14 15
250 182 177 82 127 137


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Confuse n/a Status Skill Ghost
0 75% SP8 100% chance to cause confusion.
(50% chance to attack self)
Gut Punch 70 Phys. Attack Fist 100% 100% CT3 FIST ONLY | 50% chance to stun.
(Target cannot act that turn)
Explosive Punch 120 Phys. Attack Fist 150% 50% CT4 FIST ONLY | 100% chance to cause confusion.
(50% chance to attack self)
Buildup 170 Buff Skill Self

CT4 Raises the user’s STR and DEF by one stage.
Mighty Defense n/a Auto Fighting

Passive DMG REDUCE: 50% | While in any position besides the front, DMG REDUCE is instead 0%.
Poker Face n/a Auto Dark

Passive Gain immunity to confusion.
Iron Fist 100 Auto Steel

Passive Fist skills become 1.2x stronger.
Multi-Attack 150 Auto Neutral

Passive 20% chance for normal attacks to become double attacks.

Awakened Power

Gut Punch and Explosive Punch are powered up upon either of the following:

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Gut Punch 70 Phys. Attack Fist 120% 100% CT3 FIST ONLY | 50% chance to stun.
(Target cannot act that turn)
Explosive Punch 120 Phys. Attack Fist 160% 50% CT4 FIST ONLY | 100% chance to cause confusion.
(50% chance to attack self)

How to Get Him

Fight him in the Bizarre Mansion and he will join you.

Actually Using Him

Confuse presents a dilemma: he can’t fight at full power unless placed in the front position, but his exceptionally low tolerance for magic makes him easy pickings against the wrong opponents. This makes him challenging to use optimally. However, the Fighting type can be very dependable in the right locations and with the correct weapons in hand, and he is still capable of dealing acceptable damage from the middle positions if need be.

Also, despite that he may appear to be a bashing master, claw skills count as fist skills. That said, you will most likely wind up handing him a Dragon Tusk or a Devil General and letting him be the bashing master you thought he was in the first place.

Tactical Mode Considerations

His MAG is abysmal. But in Tactical Mode where leveling up is limited, this is actually a good thing. Since you know there’s no point in dumping levels into MAG, you can safely focus on building up the stats that matter. Getting him to join you may be the real task, but he should fall easily if you equip a Colichemarde and lay into him.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Cestus Don’t underestimate the might of unsynthesized weaponry. One-Two Punch has quick turnaround time (CT1) making the humble Cestus far more powerful than suggested by its stats. One-Two Punch is always Fighting type, so you can still upgrade the Cestus if you need to without losing that favorable typing. And let’s face it: single-target Fighting is effective against a LOT of things in Enchant Farm, including a surprising number of late-game bosses.
Twin Drill You lose One-Two Punch, but gain the potential for up to a 70% double attack rate on Confuse’s normal attacks (innate +20%, +20% from the Doublestrike EX Skill, +30% from the Drill Knuckle). Makes a great sub-weapon if equipped with a Fighting weapon as his main since Steel works well against Aero, Light, and Ghost.
Dragon Tusk It’s hard to do better than this if you need a straight-up dragon killer. Better still is that it has the Fighting type to match Confuse’s innate typing.
Diamond Club Good for defensive-minded fighting, though its automatic guard skill won’t do any good if the enemy out-speeds Confuse. So, equip a Choice Scarf. Who needs to manually select “defend” when Ironclad Guard circumvents the Choice Scarf block on it anyway?
Bramd Resistance to STR debuffs is a physical fighter’s best friend. The extra +1.3x STR boost is just icing on the cake.
Crush Mace A nice single-target weapon that has the Fighting type. Whack away at foes and debuff their stats.
Devil General Fighting type fist weapon. Lacks actual fist skills, but still packs plenty of power.
Silverdark Shield The downside of this shield (halved magic power) means nothing to Confuse, who reaps only the benefits of reduced magic damage sustained. Even nicer is the fact that Confuse will be monotype Fighting while defending.
Bromia Shield
Knight Shield
Both offer high physical defense while covering Fighting type’s weaknesses (Esper, Light, Aero). The tradeoff? You’re now weak to Flame, Earth, and Fighting. Best to keep another shield handy just in case.
Blitz Vest Enables Confuse to bash and smash without a care while still being able to use Confuse or Buildup when there’s nothing better to do. Since defending and using items is out, you’ll need someone to play support when using this strategy.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
Bash Mastery Fists and Dragon Tusk benefit from it.
Expertise Boosts Confuse’s innate offensive skills.
Pump up those muscles.
Type Affinity Just do it. It’s strong.
Doublestrike Can take Confuse’s 20% double attack rate to 40%.
Auto Recovery For the sake of safety.