Confuse (♀)

Her unusual combination of sharpshooting and sorcery baffles and beguiles any prey she has in her sights.

Innate Stats

Esper 2 82 80 85 75 72 15

Stat Comparison

25 25 14 15 14 14
250 189 132 137 127 124


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Confuse n/a Status Skill Esper
0 75% SP8 100% chance to cause confusion.
(50% chance to attack self)
Illusion 60 Mag. Attack Esper
75 100% SP8 100% chance to lower HIT% by one stage.
Meguma Wave α 120 Status Skill Esper
0 100% CT3 Insta-kills a target whose MAG is lower than the user’s.
Meguma Wave β 180 Status Skill Esper
0 100% CT6 Charms a target whose MAG is lower than the user’s.
Distorted Wall n/a Auto Esper

Passive DMG REDUCE: 0~100%
Gunner 50 Auto Steel

Passive Long-range weapons become 1.2x stronger.
Falcon Eye 100 Auto Aero

Passive Long-range weapons gain 1.5x more HIT%.
Trigger Happy 150 Auto Esper

Passive When suffering status ailments, long-range weapons become 1.3x stronger, but have 0.8x HIT%.

How to Get Her

Clear the game and defeat The Illusory Three in the Bonus Room. You may add Confuse♀ to the party by pressing SHIFT twice while hovering your cursor over Spirit Bless.

Actually Using Her

Confuse♀ is a long-range weapons specialist. It’s easy enough to power her up by throwing bows and guns her way, but her typing makes it difficult for her to deal with Steel type opponents. The biggest issue facing her is that there is not a single Esper type long-range weapon in the entire game, so STAB is out of the question.

It is best to have her use Earth or Flame magic if faced with Steel foes.

Luckily, her MAG is decently high which gives her potential as a spellcaster, but the lack of EX Skill slots makes it tough either way. Illusion is a great attack even if you only use it for its debuffing ability.

Tactical Mode Considerations

Confuse♀ knows all of her useful skills at SL100, which is reasonably early. Rotate her into the rear position and hand her a long-range weapon, pump offense and ignore defense, and she’ll deal damage with the best of them.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Death Chironex If Confuse finds herself in a situation where being poisoned is not a problem, then this is a great way to boost her damage output.
Thunder Bow Coupled with the bow boost from a Luminous Ring, this weapon is plenty strong even without Trigger Happy active.
Duplex Greatbow Exceptionally strong even if you just pick up the Doublestrike EX skill and spam normal attacks. It helps that this thing is super effective against Steel.
Scorching Staff Boosts magic power and gives Confuse Fire III for dealing with pesky Steel opponents.
Elemental Knife (Earth) Confuse will be back-rowed anyway, so it fits to have her casting Quake while she’s back there. Yet another way for her to deal with Steel.
Crystal Ring Shield For use when equipped with throwing weapons. Pairs well with the Scorpion Bracelet as long as you don’t mind the so-so defense.
Scorpion Bracelet For use with Trigger Happy while poisoned, mainly to power up thrown weapons. Poison healing instead of hurting is nice, but the real reason it’s good is because being poisoned will prevent any other status ailments from working on her. The only downside is that being poisoned weakens magic.
Luminous Ring For powering up bow damage.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
STR+ Makes up for her so-so innate STR.
AGI+ Trigger Happy reduces her accuracy, so any AGI to counter that is a good thing.
Physical Crit+ Worth it if using thrown weaponry and bows.
Slash Mastery If mainly using thrown weapons.
Stab Mastery If mainly using bows.
Doublestrike She has no innate weapon skills, so this may just make up for that deficit.
MAG+ If building to spam magic and Meguma Wave.