Cold Pasta

She rolls along like a blizzard from the stage to the battlefield, bringing winter's frigid touch everywhere she goes.

Innate Stats

Ice 3 71 95 110 85 79 18

Stat Comparison

25 23 16 17 15 14
250 178 147 162 137 131


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Blizzard I n/a Mag. Attack Ice
65 90% SP6 10% chance to freeze a target.
(Cannot move, cured by magic)
Fang 80 Buff Skill Ice

CT5 For 5 turns, the user’s actions are followed up by an Ice-type magic attack.
Absolute 200 Mag. Attack Ice
120 90% SP16 30% chance to insta-kill a target.
Reactive Guard n/a Auto Ice

Passive DMG REDUCE: 100% | If DEF is reduced, or if any stat lowered by 2 stages, DMG REDUCE is 0%.
Ice Reflector 100 Auto Ice

Passive Magic damage taken is reduced by 30%.
Overboost 140 Auto Flame

1 During boss battles, STR & AGI rise by 2 stages, DEF is reduced by 2 stages.

Awakened Power

Blizzard I will be upgraded if you defeat Murderfiend Pasta to get her to join you.

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Blizzard I n/a Mag. Attack Ice
95 90% SP6 10% chance to freeze a target.
(Cannot move, cured by magic)

Furthermore, Absolute will be powered up when the following condition is met:

Absolute’s power will increase by 15 for each other idol in the party for a maximum of 150.

How to Get Her

Battle her atop the stage in Snowy Vale and she will join you.

8+ party members OR defeating Spirit Bless & Spirit Curse will require you to battle Murderfiend Pasta to make her join.

12+ party members without having defeated any of the idols will require that you battle the 3 idols as a group on the stage in Verdant Valley.

Actually Using Her

Give her a weapon that can attack multiple times while Fang is active and watch the damage numbers fly. Multi-strike attacks trigger Fang after each individual hit. Fang has 100% accuracy, so you’ll come to find it quite reliable. Pasta also has good MAG and weight capacity, as well as decent AGI. This makes her top tier when it comes to quickly clearing hordes of trash fights.

It’s easy to see how good she is when you first get her, but it becomes even more obvious as you level her up. That said, Ice is weak to several common types (most notably Steel), but this can be dealt with by utilizing Pasta’s high WT to carry around the necessary equipment to mitigate it. Pasta’s higher than average DEF combined with Ice Reflector makes her competent as a defender as well as an attacker.

Dropping III-level magic on trash fights will end them in a hurry if she gets the first strike. Give her an Earthquaker and spam Quake III to witness this spectacle firsthand. Multi-hit attacks backed by Fang can shred bosses in a hurry, or you could use Overboost to bolster her already high STR and lay down the hurt with normal attacks instead. Dump any extra Souls you have into Pasta’s STR and do your best to keep her flexible and ready to handle any number of foes that may come her way.

Tactical Mode Considerations

Colichemarde + Fang is a good offensive combo and easy to spec into quickly. The only downside is that since this relies on MAG, you would be abandoning STR most likely, which is a sin and a shame. Cold Pasta has a rough life in Tactical Mode since the SL200 cap really keeps her from reaching her full potential.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Auto Bowgun Can strike 5 times in a row guaranteed with one of its skills. Even if the attacks miss, Fang still hits with 100% accuracy each time.
Colichemarde A fearsome weapon whose Light Needle skill strikes multiple times, each of which produces Fang hits. It’s also quite easy to synthesize relatively early on.
Zero Lance Pasta gets STAB from its same-type, and Aldar Strike deals damage based on STR+MAG. Just the thing for Pasta to put her high stats to work. Plus, the Ice typing makes it deadly against any dragons you may run across. Well, except the Fire ones.
Marionette Fury Swipes strikes multiple times for more Fang goodness, and can cause nasty status ailments all the while. Pair it with the Affliction EX Skill for maximum mayhem.
Magic Book: Ruler Dramatically boosts III-level magic’s power.
Dark Inferno Great shield for mage-type characters with high carrying weight. Pasta’s Overboost normally has the downside of reducing her DEF, but this shield stops that from happening.
Life Sphere Powers up physical attacks and Fang to a disgusting degree.
Proof of King Not available on a first playthrough, but this will do away with any pesky type-based nullifications that put a damper on the otherwise deadly Colichemarde Fang Combo.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
MAG+ For the Colichemarde Fang Combo.
Type Affinity Fang benefits. Zero Lance benefits. Easy choice.
Affliction Will all but guarantee that SOMEONE gets frozen by Blizzard I.
STR+ Maximize Overboost’s potential.