Burst I

An explosive artistic phenom whose deadly variable-type skills enable her to paint foes into a corner.

Innate Stats

Neutral 1 55 75 75 35 75 11

Stat Comparison

25 22 14 14 10 14
250 162 127 127 87 127


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Burst I n/a Mag. Attack Neutral
70 100% SP4 Basic single-target magic that ignores an opponent’s stat changes.
Sketch n/a Mag. Attack Neutral
SP5 ♦Magic that changes to the same type as the target.
Color Bomb 70 Mag. Attack Neutral
75 100% SP5 Takes on both of the user’s types.
Paint Smear 140 Phys. Attack Neutral
50 100% SP10 Overwrites the target’s types with those of the user.
Full Power 200 Buff Neutral
- - SP20 Raises the user’s ATK and MAG by two stages on the next turn.
Paint Guard n/a Auto Variable
- - Passive ♦DMG REDUCE: 40% | When struck by magic while in the front position, gain that magic’s type.
My Pace n/a Auto Neutral
- - Passive Gain immunity to confusion.
Technician 90 Auto Neutral
- - Passive Attacks with 60 base power or less become 1.5x more powerful.
Perceptiveness 120 Auto Neutral
- - Passive Raises HIT% by 1.5x.
Explosiveness 170 Auto Neutral
- - Passive ♦At the end of each turn, stats will change at complete random.

Awakened Power

Technician is powered up upon any of the following:

Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Technician 90 Auto Neutral
- - Passive Attacks with 90 base power or less become 1.5x more powerful.

How to Get Her

Pick her as your starting character or talk to her in the Grand Prison.

5+ party members will require you to battle her before she will join.

Actually Using Her

Burst I is a unique Elemental whose fighting style revolves around punishing foes' weaknesses in a way no one else can, all the while creating new weaknesses in the enemy for her allies to capitalize on. It can take a bit of work to arm her with the proper types for each encounter, but the effort is well worth it.

Her Sketch skill takes on Type 1 of the first enemy it is used against, and can be reverted back into its typeless form from her skill sheet while outside of battle. Until she learns Color Bomb at SL70, this will be Burst I's primary tool for exploiting foes' weaknesses, and remains a potent side weapon well into the late game as its type will not change unless asked to.

Certain encounters will fill Burst I with inspiration, temporarily reverting Sketch to a typeless state. Using Sketch during these battles will overwrite it with that enemy's unique Sketch ability, while not doing so will simply cause Sketch to return to whatever type it was prior to the start of the battle.

Paint Guard allows Burst I to overwrite her innate type with any magic that targets her while guarding and in the front position. This offers unique opportunities to form type combinations that are difficult to come by in ordinary shields.

Color Bomb takes on Burst I's innate type as well as the 1st type of her currently equipped shield. This makes it a deadly compound-type attack that can inflict catastrophic damage against foes unfortunate enough to have 200%, 400%, or even greater weakness to it.

Be advised that you are on your own for calculating Color Bomb’s Effect%, as the game will only display its Effect% based on the Neutral type. Even if the Effect% reads 0%, its true effectiveness always depends on Burst I’s types and the target’s types, so do not be fooled.

If constantly changing Paint Guard's type seems a hassle, Earth is an excellent offensive choice that remains relevant throughout the majority of the adventure. Dark and Ghost are also good choices. Another strong option (provided the enemy does not resist it) is Poison which, when paired with a Bat Cane, provides stellar boosts that will make short work of almost any foe.

Paint Smear's type overwriting power can leave foes absolutely helpless if Burst I's teammates bring weapons and magic to punish their newly-created weaknesses. There is no way to verify whether a foe has absolute immunity to Paint Smear, despite that it may produce different sound effects when used against certain opponents. Even if it doesn't work, Paint Smear is Burst I's one physical skill and still deals decent damage, particularly when buffed by Technician.

Take every precaution to keep Burst I alive if your strategy hinges on her maintaining a specific innate type, as she will revert to Neutral type immediately should she fall at any point.

Some special Sketch skills worthy of note:

Any of the above Sketches are worth seeking out since Burst I is not tied down by her equipment or her skillset.

Technician applies not only to magic attacks, but to weapon attacks and weapon skills as well, denoted by a Multiplier rather than a Power rating in the skill information window. Therefore, it is worth seeking out weapon-based skills with low multipliers, particularly ones that strike multiple times, to take full advantage of the 1.5x boost to their power.

Technician's awakened upgrade easily puts Burst I in the top tier of characters in the game, as it provides a boost to the already devastating Color Bomb. Beating the game with her and unlocking this upgrade permanently will make running repeat playthroughs and Tactical Mode that much easier.

Tactical Mode Considerations

The starting SL soft cap of SL80 means Burst I can easily learn Color Bomb without going through the fuss of defeating designated bosses. Simply arm her with a Bat Cane and she is an absolute terror. Alas, you will still be waiting quite a while to get Paint Smear at SL140.

Really, the big question for running Burst I in Tactical Mode is whether or not you are starting with the upgrade to Technician. Having it from the outset makes a world of difference in how you approach the early and mid game.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Bat Cane Pair it with a Poison type Color Bomb and rack up the damage.
Its innate 1.1x magic boost AND 1.5x Poison type magic boost means it will absolutely wreck anything that isn’t immune to or resistant to Poison.
Triumphant Great when you need to hit the whole enemy party with some Poison type goodness. Benefits from Technician making it that much sweeter.
Dragon Hunter Spear Its true worth only shines through if the enemy is Water/Dragon, and Burst I has Paint Smear to make that very situation a reality. It’s also potentially worth handing off to another (stronger/slower) party member to deal more damage and/or save a turn on setting up this combo.
Any shield that has the enemy’s weak type Type 1 of a shield = Type 2 of a Color Bomb. Burst I can’t carry much weight, so pick something nice and light.
Spider Shield Get one of these to deal with pesky Poison-immune Steel type foes. The skills it has are worth having anyway.
Choice Specs Boosts power, plain and simple. Color Bomb’s type% tops out at 500% [Citation Needed], and these are helpful.
Proof of King It’s heavy, yes. BUT, use it with the Bat Cane and/or Realize Force. Just do it.
Master’s Obi Drilling foes’ weaknesses is the cornerstone of Bursti’s battle style, so this is a no-brainer. The difference between this and the Choice Specs is that this one won’t restrict Bursti’s actions.
True Orladin Guard This combination makes Light type magic at the very worst 128% effective. Yes, even against foes that resist it. Now equip a Bat Cane or just go all in on Light and your foes will have little room to resist what you throw their way.
Brilliant Feather

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
Type Affinity Always stacks with Color Bomb.
Magic Mastery,
Magical Crit+
Bursti’s a magic main, so these are no-brainers.
STR+ is also a viable option if you prefer.
Affliction Makes it easier to dish out nasty effects from Sketch skills.
Sense Danger As the game says, Bursti is as frail as her own paint brush.
Evasiveness Same as above. Only go with this if you have a slot to spare.

Basic Sketch Types & Effects

Type Power Effect
Type Power Effect
Neutral 70 Same as Burst I(?)
Ice 70 Freeze
Flame 70 Burn
Water 75
Lightning 70 Paralyze
Aero 70 Stun
Earth 70 Damage based on physical defense(?)
Dark 70 Confuse
Light 75

Fighting 75
Grass 70 Sleep
Rock 75
Poison 70 Poison
Dragon 90 Powerful
Ghost 70 Curse
Esper 70 Charm
Steel 75