
His mind's eye reveals his prey to him in perfect clarity.

Innate Stats

Neutral 2 65 95 60 60 105 15

Stat Comparison

25 23 16 12 12 17
250 172 147 112 112 157


Skill Name SLv Category Type
Power Hit% Cost Effect(s)
Blind n/a Status Skill Dark
0 60% SP10 100% chance to blind all foes.
(Single-target attacks have 0 HIT%)
Flashsparker 80 Phys. Attack Slash
100% 100% CT2 SLASHING WEAPON ONLY | Hits all foes.
Shooting Star 120 Phys. Attack Slash 140% 100% CT4 SLASHING WEAPON ONLY | 50% chance to inflict blindness. (Single-target attacks have 0 HIT%)
Flow Reversal 180 Status Skill Steel

CT4 Nullifies and counterattacks 1 single-target physical attack.
Poise n/a Auto Steel

Passive DMG REDUCE: 40% | Raises STR at the end of each turn.
Mind’s Eye n/a Auto Light

Passive Physical attacks become perfectly accurate.
Alertness 100 Auto Neutral

Passive Enemies will not gain stat boosts when you are ambushed by them.
Assassination 150 Auto Dark

Passive Raises critical rate when the user’s AGI is higher than the foe’s.

How to Get Him

Clear the game and defeat The Illusory Three in the Bonus Room. You may add Blind to the party by pressing SHIFT twice while hovering your cursor over Cold Pasta.

Actually Using Him

Blind is a slashing specialist who comes with two such skills by default. That said, he will do just fine wielding stabbing weapons, too. Being Neutral type, he is immune to stat debuffs, and his 100% accuracy for physical attacks makes him a dependable option. His high AGI enables him to strike first, potentially rendering foes powerless. Flow Reversal can also deliver some pain to would-be attackers.

His main weakness is his lack of defenses, owing to his inferior stats and plain-jane typing. He may be best suited for the mid-lines swinging around a Katana, or you may want to focus on his evasiveness.

Tactical Mode Considerations

Mind’s Eye is his most useful ability, and you need not level him up to learn it. Just hand him any weapon and he’s ready for battle.

Recommended Equipment

What Why
Dark Slayer Blind has no trouble hitting through the blindness this weapon can inflict upon him, making up for the weapon’s lack of skills.
Acute Ereis Arm him with this if you’re looking to deal critical blows. He gets STAB from it, plus it’s lightweight.
Ultima Sword A powerful STAB slashing weapon. It’s a touch heavy, but at least you don’t need to worry about whether foes resist it.
Magic Sword: Windi A powerful choice that weighs nothing and has none of the usual downsides of wielding huge/great swords. This is an easy choice if you need single target Dragon type damage to be dealt.
Darkdrift Helps make up for Blind’s iffy survivability. Its Invisiblade passive stacks with Blind’s own Assassination passive.
Chikage Gets STAB and is a good close/mid-range slashing option. Just be mindful of it sapping Blind’s HP.
Chainsaw Assassination = crit. Crit = Dissection activates. Dissection = insta-kill. The Chainsaw has low innate HIT% which Blind simply does NOT care about. Give him a Lightning-type shield and he will crit EVEN MORE. Sure, it weighs 10, but it’s practically designed for Blind.
Great Club A bashing weapon with low innate accuracy that Blind can abuse. He gets STAB from it and it is a bit lighter than a Dragon Tusk.
Dragon Tusk Another low-accuracy bashing tool for Blind to make the most of. Stronger than a Great Club and more effective against late-game bosses in general.
Diamond Club Its Ironclad Guard skill will trigger Blind’s passive STR buff skill after doing a normal attack.
Auto Bowgun Stabbing weapon with low accuracy. Again, Blind doesn’t care. May be worth synthing to the next stages to exploit foes’ weaknesses to other types.
Dragon God A free AGI boost, skill-based immunity to Flame (rather than type-based), and weighs nothing.
Fierce Deity Shield Here’s a fine shield to use when wielding the Chainsaw. Other Lightning type shields offer other defensive skills. The only downside is you won’t likely make one of these until later in the game.
Reflect Guard An easily obtained Lightning shield. Its skills may not be totally useless if you give Blind the Autoguard EX Skill.

Recommended EX Skills

EX Skill Why
STR+ Mandatory.
Shines bright since he lacks these in innate stats.
Slash Mastery To make the most of Blind’s skillset.
Expertise Powers up his own skills and weapon skills.
Autoguard To trigger his buff skill.
Physical Crit+ For Assassination.
AGI+ For Assassination and to compensate for a lack of defense by gunning for evasiveness.